Monday, March 4, 2013

Catch Ball Bounce Throw

As we prepare for My Beloved Fiancée and her daughters to move in, I got a loft bed for Youngest Son.  We assembled it this weekend.  He loves it.

It also inspired him to play in his room.  We spent a good deal of time tossing a big ball around.  First we were both down on the floor.  He threw me the ball and said "Daddy, we're playing catch-ball-bounce-throw!"  A little later he started bouncing it off his head and we were playing head-ball-bounce-throw, then chin-ball-bounce-throw.

Then he climbed up on his bed.  Now, for some reason, it became a three word game, catch-bounce-throw, or catch-throw-bounce.  I asked if we were still playing catch-ball-bounce-throw and he said no, now it's a three thing game, not a four thing game.

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