Tuesday, July 2, 2013


No kids tonight.  Middle is at camp, and Oldest and Youngest are with MomC.

I was talking with someone today about communication, and how challenging it is to figure out what Middle wants and needs because his expressive communication is so limited.

We first got Middle his iPad about 3 years ago.  We installed some communications software on it and started trying to get him to use it.  It was tough going.  The major thing that Middle would use it for was asking for food.  That's always be the area in which he is most likely to communicate.

Youngest was very interested in the iPad, and caught on to the communications software quickly.  Even though he didn't need it.

I almost burst out laughing one day when Youngest, about 2 1/2, told me "Daddy, I need you to get me the iPad so I can tell you I want something to eat."

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